Chapter 10 - Extra - Illustrations
Posted July 23, 2018 at 12:41 am
Oh boy that didn't work out: Finland's had a horrid heatwave the past week and it made us both way too exhausted to work on the comic. The heat seems to continue for another week, so we'll keep you posted (on Twitter, Tumblr, our Discord, Patreon) when updates resume. Hopefully soon!

In the meanwhile, here's a couple of themed illustrations (summery brats Mav, Sarah and Benny; autumn colors feat. Wight and Modra; Halloween witches Sarah, Jenn and Ramona) from last year's Patreon rewards. You can get stuff like this in nifty wallpaper sizes if you support us, wink wonk. ;)

Any and all support would be greatly appreciated, and thank you so much to all existing patrons. <3

Also feel free to join our Discord server at and come chat with other readers (and occasionally us!)
