Hey, chapter 8 has only two updates left, so it's time to prepare for chapter extras. This time we'll be doing a FAVORITE CHARACTER POLL! So please click the link and give a vote to your favorite character. You can only vote for one character, so think hard, haha.
(Turns out voting wasn't IP-locked and you could vote more than once, so we'll close the poll for now and find a better one for Sunday. Sorry!)
Chapter break will go like this: we'll post last pages next Wednesday and we'll take a well-deserved two-week break to prepare for next chapter. We'll post the character poll results on 27th (the poll will close on 24th so that we'll have time to do the necessary illustrations for it), and chapter 9 begins on October 4th!
Remember our Patreon! $5+ patrons are already getting next Sunday's pages. ;) There's a nifty button on the sidebar as well. Any and all support would be greatly appreciated, and thank you so much to all existing patrons. <3
Also feel free to join our Discord server at https://discord.gg/xyu7MMg and come chat with other readers (and occasionally us!)