Chapter 08 - Page 90 (NSFW!) // Chapter End!
Posted September 20, 2017 at 9:26 pm

Sorry if the warning is a bit awkward, we just really have no other way to warn readers of content, and since we have stuff like this come up REALLY RARELY in the comicwe feel it's only common sense and courtesy to warn about it when it does come up.

Anyway, the fav character poll is still going strong, REMEMBER TO VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITE!!

That's it for chapter 8, and chapter break will go like this: we'll take a well-deserved two-week break to prepare for next chapter. We'll post the character poll results a week from now (on 27th), and chapter 9 begins on October 4th!

Remember our Patreon! Any and all support would be greatly appreciated, and thank you so much to all existing patrons. <3

Also feel free to join our Discord server at and come chat with other readers (and occasionally us!)
